À la recherche d'un.e stagiaire en création de contenu numérique !!! 🤩😍

Looking for an intern in digital content creation!!! 🤩😍

In order to help us in the busiest months of the year, we are looking for an intern in digital content creation to promote Krabēo on social networks!! Internship lasting...
May 01, 2024 — Marie-Eve Richard


NEW EPISODE 🤩 In this more scientific episode, although necessary to fully understand the environmental issues on our skin, I wondered about the origin of the development of skin cancers....
April 18, 2024 — Marie-Eve Richard
NOUVEAU BALADO À Fleurs De Peaux : Sensibilisation au danger des rayons UV.

NEW PODCAST AT Fleurs De Peaux: Raising awareness of the dangers of UV rays.

 In an era where the environment has more and more impact on us and our health and where skin cancer is still increasing every year, it is essential to...
March 27, 2024 — Marie-Eve Richard
À fleurs de peaux - Blogue & Balado

On the skin - Blog & Podcast

À fleurs de peaus is a blog and podcast dedicated to raising awareness and preventing skin cancer as well as sun protection. This week, raising awareness among young people about...
February 20, 2024 — Marie-Eve Richard
Krabēo à l'émission Tout le monde s'habille !!

Krabēo on the show Everyone gets dressed!!

Last June Krabēo was approached to participate in the show Tout le monde s'habille hosted by Rosalie Bonenfant and directed by Lolitta Dandoy presented on Télé Québec. A huge honor...
January 29, 2024 — Marie-Eve Richard
Notre fondatrice se confie sur son expérience personnelle avec le cancer et le retour au travail

Our Founder Opens Up About Her Personal Experience With Cancer and Returning to Work

My life before. In my life before the relapse, I was a photographer. I still get nostalgic when I look at my photos or portraits of photographers I admire. Sometimes...
December 18, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard
Être pâle ça te contrarie ?

Does being pale bother you?

I found myself thinking back to my teenage years, when the first rays of sunshine would come out and friends would compare our skin tones to see who was the...
August 29, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard
Nos produits disponible en magasin :-)

Our products available in store :-) 

We are proud to announce that Krabēo UV Swimsuit is now available in select stores in Quebec!! You can now visit the following stores to try on Krabēo sun protection...
August 29, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard
Quand Krabēo Maillot de bain UV rime avec élégance et audace !

When Krabēo UV Swimsuit rhymes with elegance and audacity!

Recently, influencer Kim Bruneau showed up wearing our MAMAKRABE swimsuit for these water activities and we were charmed by all her elegance and her daring look while wearing sun protection...
August 16, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard
Des maillots pour sauver sa peau !

Swimsuits to save your skin!

We are so touched by the article in the Journal de Montréal! Message from our founder! When I started this project, I had no idea what I was getting into....
July 31, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard
Krabēo sur le bateau !

Krabēo on the boat!

Sailing and boating is an extremely enjoyable activity, allowing you to enjoy the sun and the water in summer. However, it is essential to take adequate measures to protect yourself...
July 22, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard
Les coups de soleil chez les jeunes enfants - tout savoir !

Sunburn in young children - everything you need to know!

Summer usually means sunny days, trips to the beach, and being outdoors. However, it's important to remember that the sun can be dangerous for your skin, especially for young children....
July 13, 2023 — Marie-Eve Richard