Prends part au mouvement #BEKRABĒO

Take part in the #BEKRABĒO movement

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and KRABĒO is involved with several foundations to raise awareness about the dangers of UV rays. The sun is an important source of well-being,...
Marie-Eve Richard
L'histoire de Véronique

Véronique's Story

My name is Veronique, I am 46 years old. I have had three skin cancers. A cancer on my forehead, almost on my scalp, in my case it was a...
Marie-Eve Richard
Comment bien utiliser sa crème solaire - TOUT SAVOIR

How to use your sunscreen properly - EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW

It's important to protect yourself properly, otherwise your sunscreen will be useless! Here are the points to consider for better protection: Do not leave sunscreen in the heat Very important,...
Marie-Eve Richard
Est-ce que tous les vêtements nous protègent du soleil ?

Do all clothes protect us from the sun?

The truth is no, unfortunately not all fabrics protect us from the sun. There are two essential criteria for a fabric to protect you from UVA and UVB which are...
Marie-Eve Richard
KRABĒO protège la planète !

KRABĒO protects the planet!

Our swimsuits are made of fabrics from fishing nets found at the bottom of the ocean, waste that constitutes nearly 10% of all marine pollution. They are true death traps...
Eva Richard
Pourquoi des maillots de protection solaire ?

Why sun protection swimwear?

More than 3 million cancers of themelanoma-free skin and 150,000 melanoma-related skin cancersdiagnosed each year. One in three cancers diagnosed is skin cancer.At current rates, a CCanadian woman in 73 will...
Eva Richard
Quand la blancheur devient un complexe !

When whiteness becomes a complex

White and without tan.Having a porcelain complexion tends to be frowned upon socially. It doesn't fit the accepted criteria for beauty, and unfortunately, the derogatory comments start early on. Several...
Marie-Eve Richard
Le dépistage du cancer de la peau

Skin cancer screening

It's good to learn to listen to your body when you feel like there are changes in your skin. Doing the screening yourself is a first step. You are in...
Eva Richard